Oh Yeah.

I am so proud to be among the thousands if not millions of people who decided to create their own website, had the absolute best of intentions, enthusiastically added a few posts, and then completely forgot about it.

Yep, that’s me. So why now? Well, I mostly created this to have a place to show off blog content and photography, but I haven’t written in a while (which honestly bums me out big time) and I haven’t really picked up my camera either.

So over the past few weird, weird months (year?) I realized while staring at my old headshot from 2017 plastered on every single Google Hangouts call that well…I don’t look like that anymore. There’s an opportunity to break out the ol’ glass.

This is her, the oldie:

Kelly Sheldon

My first baby headshot taken when I joined the team at Bonnier, featuring the chunky necklace that I wore in my previous two headshots completely by coincidence. She’s eager. She’s excited to join a new team. She’s wearing an unflattering, sleeveless military vest despite the A/C being on full blast. I remember her, but she doesn’t look like that anymore!

So I decided to make some use out of my camera, tripod, and new jumper that I found for $15 at Walmart and voila.

Oh and there’s more.

Why? Because this year (and a half?) has been weird af, and ya girl wanted to look cute. Now, where did I put my sweatpants?

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